Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well, its 3:24 a.m. at the moment...I have had some whopper-esque ideas for blog posts since Easter. About the third Sorrowful mystery. That one's a doozy. Or about having my heart romantically pursued by God. I'm feeling swooned as I think about it...but all I can focus on is this stupid zit. In the most obscure place on my face...right next to my lip. Normally, I save weird acne placement for super-stressed, very hormonal times. But after this fabulous dead day before finals, I am definitely not stressed. Blegh. Acne. Can I get a Amen?
Obviously, I could be doing more normal things at this hour instead of obsessing over my sleeping, (which might restore my hormone balance a bit). But, like the silly human I am, I choose to (attempt to) debate with God instead. You see, He and I are going around and around again on this thing called beauty. The world will tell me, in VERY uncertain terms, the same thing John Eldredge says in his book Captivating: "The essence of a woman is Beauty...Beauty is what the world longs to experience from a woman..."

Well, crap, God. Thanks a lot. By definition, I am a failure at life because of this stupid zit.
Buuuuttttt, God nudges me to keep reading.
"'Beauty captivates the senses in order to obtain permission to pass straight through to the soul...'"
Ok, soo...?
Keep reading.
"'The soul's inclination to love beauty is the trap God most frequently uses in order to win it.'"
Ok, God, but you're forgetting the part about the zit on my face. I'm not-
Keep reading.
"A woman in her glory, a woman of beauty, is a woman who is not striving to become beautiful or worthy or enough. She knows in her quiet center where God dwells that He finds her beautiful, has deemed her worthy, and in Him, she is enough." 
Ahhh, yes, well....

And so it goes. God sees the acne-covered, overweight, greasy-haired, smelly-footed people we sometimes are, and He loves every bit of us. He sees the prideful, pathetic, broken, infuriating people we sometimes are, and He loves every bit of us. The beautiful messes He created are the tools He's using to build His kingdom. They (we) are the mirrors with which other people see Him, and all His beauty and glory. Now isn't that something? I'm feeling prettier already.
Do you believe you're beautiful? Or are you focused on your odd acne placement? If you can't get away from your mirror, maybe take a long look at the mirror inside God's heart. He'll show you how beautiful, how captivating you really are.
Grace to you, and peace.

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