Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ready to Rage

I use the word "rage" and cite its correct definition. Most people my age think its means a great party. But what I say rage, I mean what says: "to act or speak with fury; show or feel violent anger..."

And violent anger is what I feel when I read about Obama's support for infanticide. The euphemism doesn't even begin to mask the meaning; "after-birth contraception" is murder. And that has nothing to do with when human life begins. I don't care what kind of whacked out scientists try to say that life begins after conception...there has NEVER been any doubt that life has not already begun after a child is born. And the truth that cannot be obscured, no matter how stupidly arrogant Obama and other pro-choicers get, is that murder is wrong. Ending a life that has already begun violates natural law.

It seems that sometimes anger can be destructive to a cause. It can poison it. The temptation to act out of impulse and revenge, rather than charity and compassion, is very real. But righteous anger is also powerfully motivating. Anger can be the catalyst that fills a person with courage to stand up to a boss. If you have read anything Cardinal Dolan or Marc Barnes has written on the HHS Mandate lately, you know what I mean.

As for my take on anger...I'm, well, female. And what's more, I'm personally an intensely emotional female. The last 6 months of my life have allowed me to realize how deeply I feel...and while I've spent much of the last 6 months cursing this trait, I've also come to understand how beautiful a trait it is. I have a talent for empathizing with and caring for people because I am motivated by such strong reactions to their experiences. I'm pretty sure John and Stasi Eldredge were talking about me when they said that "there is something fierce in the heart of a woman." That fierceness comes from a seemingly endless capacity to feel. And the ability/opportunity to feel anger deeply is in no short supply in the struggling world we live in.

So, fabulous brothers in Christ, next time you think about rolling your eyes and chuckling because your fellow sisters cry or fly off the handle, remember that it is their God-given emotional capacities that motivate them to love the 1/3 of your generation that has been lost due to abortion.

Obviously, I rage about life issues...but what do you rage about?

Our Lady of Guadalupe and Queen of Peace, pray for us!
Grace to you all, and peace.
 PS-I also just want to share this link I found...
More Americans "Pro-Life" than "Pro-Choice" for the First Time (yeah!)