Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm thankful for...

So, considering its Thanksgiving day and would be expected that I provide a long list of things and people I'm thankful for. And I suppose I'll shelve my spontaneity for a day and do so...but first I have to say 2 things. 1) My holiday this year was different because my family celebrated last night instead of today, so some of my list will probably be weird, and 2) Last year my sister asked my brother (who was stationed overseas) if they celebrated Thanksgiving in Hungary...gotta love her. ;)

1. Sara Gudde...for being a woman of God and setting this world and my world on fire...and I've only had the pleasure of knowing her for 6 months.
2. Emily "Louie" Kopff...for having inexhaustible joy and peace that suffocates any worry or stress I have. She is wise, graceful, humble, hilarious, an excellent example and testament of Christ to others. She has done more for me in our friendship than she knows.
3. Blankets, coats, and gloves
4. Hand lotion-it really hurts when my hands dry out in the winter!
5. The Mass-I have not made it to daily Mass all week, and it makes me sad. But the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is something to be thankful for no matter the holiday.
6. Music-I just watched 4 episodes of Glee, and made 2 car trips in the last week. Music is an amazing way to experience life.
7. Family. Of course. That includes those I am related to by blood, marriage, and kindred spirits. I could attempt to do justice to my gratitude for family/friends/framily in about 3,950,398,092,349,283 blog posts...but it wouldn't be enough. :)
8. Long-ish hair. It keeps my neck warm.
9. Having a job.
10. Mama Mary. She's taken care of me, She has listened to me and come to my aid when I have needed Her most. She is working miracles in my life...and has been since long before I even noticed She was there. Thanks a lot, Mama.

Though, its a secular holiday, the whole idea of Thanksgiving really seems like a memorial to being a Christian. A day is set aside for the joyful, gracious, loving spirit of humanity to rein. Our lives are to be a response to the many gifts and graces God has bestowed upon us. We go out and make God's good world better because we thank Him for all He has done, and our actions show that. So Thanksgiving is, really, a day for everyone to appreciate and embrace the spirit that Christians adopt daily. Yesssss.
Good and gracious God, we praise You and thank You, for the holiday of Thanksgiving. Amen.


  1. I reallyreally think you need a "like" button on here... or a "love" button.

  2. I am glad hand lotion made your list. So true. It is good to cultivate gratitude for the little things.

    Ok, I'm all done posting for today. I have relaxed and now it is time to head home and play in the awesome snow castle we built yesterday! Huzzah! Thanks for some great reading April!
