Friday, August 26, 2011

A Sense of Purpose

The last two nights in a row here at school, during the first week of classes have not been filled with homework, but with fellowship. If this is the meat and potatoes of being an RA, I love it. I live in a residence hall, on a floor with a group of young women who are not strangers to me, but I won't presume to call them friends yet, because I'm not positive how they feel about me. However, I think they are all great! Its really neat that mine is the room where folks come in to sit down and chat, whether its because they need help with a rodent problem (not that that's happened, **cough, cough**), they're waiting on a friend to get ready, they need advice, or because they genuinely like me. Basically? My job is to be available to love and serve others. How much closer to the job description of a Christian can ya get?
I've spent the last few weeks becoming really aware of how I feel about what I'm doing. My classes, my job as an RA, the opportunities to grab meals with friends and chat, or better yet, listen. All these things bring me a sense of peace, longing and purpose. Its like I'm getting chances to discover my calling, my vocation. Its very cool. :)

In the last year I've noticed that I have a good capacity for listening to people, for trying to understand them and their stories. I have a knack for reading people and taking meaning from what they say, even if they struggle to communicate it. Being present to others, honestly communicating with them, building relationships based on trust and mutual respect? Its what I love. Its what I do. I'm relational to the core. God is showing me my talents, my gifts...and with those, my calling. I think these talents would be well-used in the field of psychology and likely, counseling. That's where I'm headed. Hopefully, if I'm wrong, He'll steer me in the direction of His choice. In the meantime, I'm following my passion with the sense of purpose in tow.

What do you love? What do you well? What brings you sense of purpose and longing? It is through those things that God is calling you. Chase after Him.

Grace to you, and peace.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! And thanks for sharing your reflections as an RA--I've already been thinking about doing that Jr. or Sr. year...I'm so happy that you've started becoming more in-tune with yourself and your vocation!!!! God bless you!!
