Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ok, here we go...

Hmmm...well I've never been into blogging (I mean c'mon, its a weird word) but some people's online musings are just awesome. And from time to time I have a thought that sounds pretty cool that would be too interesting to hide away in my journal but that is too long-winded and one-sided for a real conversation. This seems like a good compromise. So, hopefully enjoy, and God bless!

My first soliloquy addresses something I heard someone say in CLC last night. For the record, Christian Life Communities are small prayer groups at Jesuit universities. They're student led and meet once a week to pray, reflect and discuss the "highs," "lows," and "moments closest" to Christ during each member's lives. Anyways, while talking last night about how busy we all are and what it means for our prayer lives, one of my fellow members talked about how we use our down time, and what that says about us. She said that what we do when we're not busy is who we are.

Uh-oh. I have spent the first three hours of my fall break on Facebook. Who am I? Though I would like to believe that social online networking is not necessarily detrimental to my character, I am now thinking of all the things I could have done instead...read, work out, write some more letters, pray. Something to keep my mind on in the future...even if I don't waste time with Facebook, is what I'm doing really who I want to be? Am I the servant of Jesus Christ, working to build up the Kingdom? And how exactly do I do that anyway? Hmmm...

To piggy-back off of what my CLC member said, here's a tasty tidbit from Thomas Merton, who would probably have much to say on the idea of free time:

"A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire."

1 comment:

  1. This one looked lonely with no comments. I am attempting to use my free time more productively. After school, I always take an hour to decompress and let go of the day before going home to a new batch of littles. So rather than reading mindless movie websites, I expect that your blog (and the blogs of many of your friends-quite a club you all have) will be more edifying. Don't let me done Jecha.
