Just a reflection on something that's been a daily part of my life for the last 2 1/2 years, something that has completely overhauled and remodeled my spiritual journey with Christ, and something I am pretty sure I cannot live without anymore. Thanks, God, for promising me such a beautiful gift. :)
I became a part of the TEC family on March 7, 2009. That meant I joined a community of people that started loving me right from the very beginnings of our friendships. They were kids that, along with me, realized we could truly live our Catholic faith with each other. We didn't have to hide it, or be embarrassed about it, and we could bring up God in a sentence without traumatizing anyone. In fact, bringing up God and being in relationship with Him and each other was what made our time together so fun and enjoyable and...life-giving. I made a group of friends with a real purpose: to get each other and the rest of the world to Heaven. Wow.
As some of my friendships through TEC really started to develop, I became part of a pretty tight-knit group that called itself "framily". The explanation behind the new slang term was "friends so close they've become like family." This group could easily have become a clique or something silly like that, but God's too smart and too good. The word slowly leaked out to include all of us who have joined the TEC family in the last couple of years, as well as those who were encountering Christ on the retreats long before the word ever surfaced. It is so amazing to hear people who are little more than strangers to me, say to new candidates: "Welcome to what we call the framily." Though I may not know the person using or receiving the title, it doesn't matter. What matters is that all of us know what it means.
Framily is more than just a big group of people who know and like each other. Framily is a group of people who have all had the change to encounter Christ in a similar way, and who have bonded with others through that experience. Framily is not exclusive membership into some private club, and those who might think so kid themselves in thinking that they even know what framily means. The people that framily is all about are not the originators of the slang term; they are three in One. They/He is/are completely in love with each of us. They/He has/have a bond with each one of us, and thats what makes us all family.
To share a little of my experience with the framily, I said 3 things: 1) its a daily part of my life, 2) its completely overhauled and remodeled my journey with Christ, and 3) I cannot live without it.
1) I do not go a day without thinking about and praising God for framily. They, their intentions and daily struggles are a daily part of my prayer life. I talk with many of them, I think about some of them a lot, and I am very often remembering and telling stories about past TECs, and preparing for future ones.
2) I've always known my faith was important, but my candidate TEC showed me that living my faith daily, passionately, obviously was possible. And I'm finding out that not only is it possible, its required, to get through this life, and to get to Heaven. Also, in this journey of life, these good people direct me on my path. They set excellent examples, they laugh and cry with me, and they always challenge me to become a fuller version of myself, to embrace a fuller and more perfect version of God's plan for me.
3) I say I cannot live without it. And that used to be the case. I (somewhat foolishly) used to think that, since I encountered Christ on TEC so powerfully, that was the only way for me to continue encountering Him. What a surprise to me, to be called out by a good friend (who is ironically not a TECer ;)) and shown that I can encounter Christ in ways that are not TEC. And I can share my faith through other things and avenues than forcing them to go on TEC (If I've overdone it in encouraging you to make a TEC in the past, I apologize. TEC is great, but I understand now that it may not be God's plan for you.). TEC has been the starting blocks for the race of my witness to Christ and faith journey, but this path will take many turns, some of them not TEC-related, and thats ok. :)
Having said all that, I will also say that I have a lot of passion for the TEC program. I have learned so much from it, I see a lot of good fruit being born from it, and I see that TEC is a huge opportunity for God to put people into my life that He wants me to love and serve. I see that vision and part of the plan God has for me, and I will continue to enthusiastically share my joy for it with others. I said that I cannot live without it. But I amend that statement, and instead choose to say that I will not live without it.
I could talk for days on end about my personal journey with the framily. But I challenge you as well as myself to something better than just talking about the people with whom you've become good friends. Talk instead, about the Person who brought you to your own "framily". Whether you've been on a TEC or not, Who's face do you really see in your best friends? What/Who keeps you together, and blesses you endlessly, loves you perfectly, and is waiting breathlessly for you to be with Him in Heaven forever?
May you find yourself a group of friends so close, they've become family, if you don't have one. If you do, may your rejoice in God's goodness!
Grace to you, and peace.
Beautiful reflections! I love how God took the framily to encompass as many people as possible; it is how He works--He wants all peopel to experience a deep, vibrant relationship with Him!